Exercise 4 - Solutions

Import all necessary libraries:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

Import the climate data files using pandas:

garmisch  = pd.read_csv("data/produkt_klima_tag_20171010_20190412_01550.txt",sep=";",parse_dates=["MESS_DATUM"],index_col="MESS_DATUM")
zugspitze = pd.read_csv("data/produkt_klima_tag_20171010_20190412_05792.txt",sep=";",parse_dates=["MESS_DATUM"],index_col="MESS_DATUM")

Clip the data to the year 2018:

garmisch  = garmisch["2018"]
zugspitze = zugspitze["2018"]

Resample temperature values to monthly averages:

garmisch_agg  = garmisch[[" TMK", " RSK"]].resample('1m').agg({" TMK": "mean", " RSK": "sum"})
zugspitze_agg = zugspitze[[" TMK", " RSK"]].resample('1m').agg({" TMK": "mean", " RSK": "sum"})

Create the plotting function:

def create_climate_diagram(df, temp_col, prec_col, title, filename, temp_min=-15, temp_max=20, prec_min=0, prec_max=370):
    Draw a climate diagram.
    df : pd.DataFrame
        Dataframe with values to plot from
    temp_col : str
        Name of temperature column
    prec_col : str
        Name of precipitation column
    title : String
        The title for the figure
    filename : String
        The name of the output figure
    temp_min : Number
        The minimum temperature value to display
    temp_max : Number
        The maximum temperature value to display
    prec_min : Number
        The minimum precipitation value to display
    prec_max : Number
        The maximum precipitation value to display

    The figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
    plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 16

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax1 = ax2.twinx()

    ax2.bar(df.index.strftime("%b"), df.loc[:, prec_col].values, width=0.8, color="b")
    ax1.plot(df.loc[:, temp_col].values, c="r")

    ax2.set_ylabel("Precipitation (mm)")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Temperature (°C)")

    return fig
create_climate_diagram(garmisch_agg, " TMK", " RSK", "Garmisch", "output/garmisch.png")
create_climate_diagram(zugspitze_agg, " TMK", " RSK", "Zugspitze", "outpu/zugspitze.png")


