Exercise 6 - Solutions
Import satpy first…
import satpy
- Read the Scene that you downloaded from the data directory using SatPy.
dateien = ["../path/to/file.nc"]
files = {'seviri_l1b_nc' : dateien}
scn = satpy.Scene(filenames=files)
- Load the composites “natural_color” and “convection”.
- Resample the fulldisk to the Dem. Rep. Kongo and its neighbours by defining your own area in Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area. Use the following settings:
- lat and lon of origin: -3/23
- width and height of the resulting domain: 500px
- projection x/y coordinates of lower left: -15E5
- projection x/y coordinates of upper right: 15E5
from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition
area_id = 'Dem. Rep. Kongo'
description = 'Dem. Rep. Kongo in Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection'
proj_id = 'Dem. Rep. Kongo'
proj_dict = {'proj': 'laea', 'lat_0': -3, 'lon_0': 23}
width = 500
height = 500
llx = -15E5
lly = -15E5
urx = 15E5
ury = 15E5
area_extent = (llx,lly,urx,ury)
area_def = AreaDefinition(area_id, proj_id, description, proj_dict, width, height, area_extent)
local_scn = scn.resample(area_def)
- Save both loaded composites of the resampled Scene as simple png images.
If you did everything right, the images should look like this: